Veterans Day Celebration - Nov. 8
We will be celebrating Veterans Day on Friday, November 8 in a variety of ways and invite our families and loved ones to join us! Any military-connected parent, grandparent and/or relatives are welcome.
Veterans Q&A - Volunteers Requested!
Join your child’s classroom(s) to share about your military experience through a friendly Q&A with students. You are welcome to attend in uniform and bring props too! If you have more than one student here, you are welcome to visit between classrooms.
Please sign up here:
The schedule is the following:
8:20 - 9:00 Veteran Check in (bring driver’s license)
Coffee and Cookies in the Cafeteria for Veterans and their family
9:05 - 9:15 Veterans Parade
9:15 - 9:45 News Show, Morning Meeting and Q&A in classrooms
Friday, November 8 - Spirit Day - Wear Red, White and Blue
News and Notes
Picture Day Make Up Day - Wednesday, November 6
The photographers from Victor O’Neill will be back on Wednesday, November 6 between 9:45 - 2:00 for makeup photo day. This day is for students and staff who either missed having their picture taken in September or would like to re-take their picture. If you purchased pictures and are not happy with them please have your student bring the original package to return it before getting their picture re-taken.
Students who have not previously ordered can place an order here:
Please contact: [email protected] should you have any questions about this upcoming picture day.
Fall Screener Score Reports for Elementary Families
Family score reports for fall screening assessments will be centrally distributed to families through SIS ParentVUE (PVUE) Documents.
PVUE - expected in PVUE Documents by 12/6
Kindergarten (VALLSS, EMAS, CBRS)
PVUE - expected in PVUE Documents by 11/15
VALLSS Grade 1-3
PVUE - expected in PVUE Documents as of 10/25
iReady Grade 1-6
PVUE - expected in PVUE Documents as of 10/31
Please remember the 24 hour illness rule. If your child has had a fever (100.4 or higher), vomiting, or diarrhea in the past 24 hours they must stay home. Also, if your child has excessive coughing they should stay home. Please refer to this page for more information.
Holiday Assistance
As the holidays are approaching, ECHO a local community-based organization, can provide support for you and your family if needed. Please contact Jen Lynch, School Social Worker [email protected] if you need assistance with contacting this organization.
Election Day
Don’t forget to get out and vote on Tuesday, Nov. 5! The day will be observed as a holiday for students and a teacher work day. For more information, visit the Virginia Department of Elections webpage.
Return Your Federal Impact Aid Survey
FCPS is asking all families to fill out a Federal Impact Aid Survey. The form is available in SIS ParentVUE under Online Packets (in the upper right corner after logging in). Please complete it as soon as possible.
For any families who have not completed the survey in ParentVUE, schools will provide paper forms starting Wednesday, November 13. Paper forms should be returned by Wednesday, December 4.
Completing this form for each school-aged child in every household is important. Information from this survey resulted in more than $4 million in funding last year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers.
AAP Parent Overview Presentation Slides
If you were not able to attend the AAP Parent Overview Meeting on Monday, October 7th, the slides have been posted on the WSES website and can also be accessed here. If you have any questions about AAP or screening for Full-Time Services, please contact Caryn Seiler, our Advanced Academic Resource Teacher, at [email protected].
Fall Full-Time Referral Deadline
Fall screening for Full Time AAP Services is available for students who are new to FCPS since January 2024. The fall screening referral deadline is October 15, 2024. The referral form and optional parent questionnaire for Fall referrals can be submitted to Mrs. Seiler at [email protected].
Outstanding Employee Awards
Nominations will be/are now open for the Outstanding Employee Awards! To submit a nomination for a West Springfield Elementary School Outstanding Employee in one of the categories below, please complete the nomination through this Google form link: Here
You may nominate one employee at our school or multiple employees (one individual may only nominate one employee per category.)
All that is required for a preliminary nomination is a paragraph or two about how this employee demonstrates exceptional work in one more of the criteria for that award category. The google form link has more information regarding the criteria for each of these awards. The eligibility requirements are below.
Outstanding Teacher
Eligibility: Has at least three years of experience as a teacher (in any school/school district); librarians are included in this category.
Outstanding New Teacher
Eligibility: Has up to three years of experience as a teacher (in any school/school district); librarians are included in this category.
Outstanding Principal
Eligibility: Has at least three years of experience as a building principal (in any school/school district).
Outstanding Leader
Eligibility: At least one year of experience in their current position as a Schedule-C or School-Based Administrator scale employee (that is not the building principal) at their current location.
Common positions in this category: Assistant and Associate Principals, Director of Student Activities, Director of Student Services.
Outstanding Professional Employee
Eligibility: At least one year experience in current position as a Schedule-B employee or other non-instructional employee in a school that supports school leadership at their current location.
Common positions in this category: School-Based Technology Specialist, Technology Support Specialist, Assessment Coach, Career Center Specialist, Instructional Coach, After-School Specialist, MTSS Coordinator, Psychologist, Social Worker, School Counselor, Safety and Security Specialist, Resource Teachers that serve in an administrative role in a school, Special Education Department Chairs that teach less than 50% of their time, Reading Specialists that do not have a regular course load/do not give grades.
Outstanding Operational Employee
Eligibility: At least one year of experience in current position as Schedule-A or Classroom Instructional Support Scale employee at their current location.
Common positions in this category: Administrative and Office Staff, Safety and Security Assistant, Custodial Staff, Food Service Staff, IA, PHA, PHTA, Parent Liaisons
The deadline to submit a nomination is November 8th, 2024.
If you have any questions, please contact Jessica Knotts
From our Family Liaison
Andrea Howard, Family Liaison
November is National Family Engagement Month
This month reminds us that families are children's first and most important teachers, advocates, and nurturers. Strong family support is vital to student well-being and success.
FCPS has many resources designed to increase engagement and partnerships with families while fostering academic success and social-emotional growth.
Additionally, every school has a family liaison who will welcome and orient families, and help them understand the school's culture, policies, procedures, and practices. They can help connect families to resources in the community. Family liaisons might also assist a family in transitioning to a new school and encourage family-school partnerships to help ensure their student's success and healthy development.
If you have questions or would like more information, contact your family liaison at WSES, Andrea Howard, or visit FCPS’ website for a list of region representatives.
Upcoming Free Webinar from the FCPS Family Resource Center
5 Ways to De-Escalate a Nuclear Meltdown & Stop the Shame Cycle: A Webinar for Families
Plans go awry, your child gets disappointed or doesn’t get their way. They begin getting upset. Rational talk doesn’t work. Nothing does. Now, your child is in full meltdown mode and doesn’t hold back. What do you do? Calm Parenting Podcast founder Kirk Martin will show you:
- How to calm kids with big emotions,
- Exactly what to say in the moment and how,
- Why intensity is critical and why to avoid eye contact,
- How to stop the cycle of shame and embarrassment.
Friday, November 8, 2024, 10 – 11:30 a.m.
Register online
Save the Date
Thursday, October 31 - 2-Hour Early Release
Friday, November 1 - Student Holiday, No School
Monday, November 4 - Tuesday, November 5 - Teacher Workdays
Wednesday, November 6 - Picture Day Make-Ups
Friday, November 8 - Veterans Day Celebration at WSES & Spirit Day - Red, White and Blue
Monday, November 11 - Veterans Day, No School
Monday, November 18 - 3 Hour Early Release
Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29 - Thanksgiving Break
WSES 3-Hour Early Release Mondays:
- November 18
- February 10
- March 10
- April 21
- May 12
6802 Deland Drive, Springfield, VA 22152 | Main Phone: 703.912.4400
Attendance: 703.912.4444 or [email protected]
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