Summer Reading Program 2018

By Shane Rigsby
June 13, 2018

The New WSES Summer Reading and Fun Program for 2018 is now open for rising 1st-3rd graders.  The new program is based in Google Classroom and offers fun themes for our students to explore.  The 4 Themes are:  Dinosaurs, Animals, Space and Pirates with each offering fun videos, activities, crafts and places to visit.  MyOn book sets have already been assigned to the students and they can find them in the projects section of MyOn and book lists suggestions for physical books have also been created for each theme.  Finally, there is also a section for students and families to upload their own activities and adventures to share with the rest of the WSES community.  The instructions and login information is posted online and went home in the Thursday folder last week so please take a minute and help your student log into the Google Classroom the code is 99k1rk.

The New WSES Summer Reading and Fun Program for 2018 starts this week for rising 4th-6th graders.  The new program is also based in Google Classroom and offers fun genres for our students to explore.  The genres include:  Mystery, Historical Fiction, Biography and many more with each offering fun videos, activities, and online materials.  MyOn book sets and book lists suggestions for physical books have also been created for each genre.  Finally, there is also a section for students and families to upload their own activities and adventures to share with the rest of the WSES community.  The instructions and login information is coming home in your student’s Thursday folder so please take a minute and help your student log into the Google Classroom the code is nc6bb3 if you have any problems logging in please email Mr. Rigsby at @email


Summer Reading Fun Program Grades 1-3

Summer Reading Fun Program Grades 4-6

Accessing Google Classroom