Principal's Coffee Notes

By Kelly Sheers
May 01, 2018

Kindergarten Registration

Right now we have 50 in the books but another 26 students expected for a total of 76 students, which is an all-time high for WSES. So, please register ASAP! We are excited to welcome Mrs. Walrath to Kindergarten next year, our current first grade teacher, as Ms. Pagliaro is retiring.

Schoolwide Field Trip

Thank you for volunteering and we spoke about the +/- of the trip:

  1. Maybe not enough time but we understand the busses needing to be back for middle school pick-up
  2. Parent question, Can we just have one trip (with coach busses) instead of a few smaller trips for each grade?  Administration will discuss with teams.

Dr. Sheers then asked for ideas for 2018-19, parent input:

  • Nation’s Capital
  • Newseum
  • Spy Museum

Welcome other suggestions, email Dr. Sheers.

Student Intent Forms 2018-19

Deadline for parents is Friday, May 4. Google form has been in the Friday weekly KIT for the past few weeks. You can also email your child’s teacher if you need it. Dr. Sheers briefly explained the process WSES goes in placing students for the next school year.

FCPS Engagement Survey

Dr. Sheers explained the count Engagement Survey process and some of the results from the 2017-18 school year for WSES. She explained the teachers are engaged and the median score was above the medium in the county. Overall, teachers across the county feel overwhelmed. Administration shared the results with the staff and are in the process of reflecting and refining for next year in their desire for positive continued growth as a school and staff. Dr. Sheers asked parents to not be shy in sending teachers positive notes/emails…a little note goes a long way.


A parent brought up how much the county is testing and asked if the iReady assessment is here to stay. Dr. Sheers and Mr. Hirsch explained how the iReady is used and their impression is that it will be staying for a while.

Additional Questions-

Is there a way the classroom volunteers can help more (especially in the upper grades where the volunteers decrease)? Yes! Admin can encourage teachers to use volunteers more and will discuss with them.

Question about NNAT testing in first grade- How is that used for specific students? Dr. Sheers explained the AAP referral process and how the NNAT score is part of the portfolio process in second grade. Additional questions can be referred to our AART, Mollie Tkacik.

Special Ed Conference- A parent attended and shared with the parents the Camelot ES Buddy Program that is solely run by the PTA. She explained how the program worked and how it assists with inclusiveness environments.  Dr. Sheers shared the varying levels of buddy programs WSES has which includes school-wide buddies, individual buddies, lunch bunches with counselor, admin, social worker, teachers, preschool buddies and a mentor program. Dr. Sheers will work on communicating more frequently regarding the specific programs we have.

A question was raised about the cancellation of the 2nd grade field trip. Could there have been other alternatives other than returning the money or donating to the EOY party? Dr. Sheers will follow up with the second grade team.

Staffing for 2018-19
Dr. Sheers explained the process of adding/losing teachers for each school year and at the present time we have been given 18 classroom teachers (grades 1-6) and we are hoping to add another soon. But, it all depends on numbers. Currently, we are staffed at 3 second grade teachers next year. Depending on enrollment through the summer, we may gain an additional teacher.

Final Comments
Dr. Sheers expressed that they are always open for feedback, glows and grows as we continue in our efforts to support an outstanding school and welcome feedback, input and positives any time!