Home Learning Guidelines

West Springfield Elementary Home Learning Guidelines

WSES supports accessible home learning activities which promote an enjoyment of reading, a love of learning, and time for play with family and friends. We have decided to change the term homework to home learning to help change the mindset from work that needs to be completed to an enjoyment of learning. Home learning opportunities may include long term projects, preparation for field trips, exploring a student's environment around their home, or other content specific activities. Home learning opportunities will emphasize quality rather than quantity.

WSES Kindergarten-Second Grade

The purpose of home learning activities in the primary grades is to build reading stamina and an enjoyment in reading. Students in the primary grades are expected to read or be read to a minimum of 20 minutes a night and may receive meaningful content practice to reinforce learning in math, science or social studies throughout the year.

WSES Third-Sixth Grade

The purpose of home learning activities in third through sixth grade is to sustain the enjoyment of reading, cultivate useful study skills, and solidify student understanding in other content areas through independent practice. Students are expected to read a minimum of 30 minutes a night and will receive meaningful content practice opportunities to reinforce learning and promote study strategies in math, science or social studies throughout the year.

Reading Home Learning Activities

During the expected reading time, students may read independently (text can be books, newspaper, comic books, magazines, etc.) Reading should be fun and enjoyable. A parent, sibling or other person can choose to read to their child. Students can also access online audio books through the WSES Library website (MyOn, Tumble Books, Pebble Go)

According to FCPS Policy, home learning across disciplines should not exceed 0.5 hour from kindergarten through 3rd grade and 1.0 hour in grades 4-6. (Regulation 3205.1)

FCPS Homework Guidelines