Advanced Academics Resource Teacher

AAP Newsletter

2023-24 AAP Services Overview Presentation for Parents

FCPS AAP Overview Video

La sinopsis de los servicios del Programa Académico Avanzado

Our Advanced Academic Resource Teacher (AART) collaborates with the school staff to offer a range of advanced academic services that builds upon students' individual strengths and skills. 

To learn more about the levels of service and the county-wide Advanced Academic Programs, please read below.

Level l

Critical and Creative Thinking Lessons, Grades K-6 

The first level is provided to all students in kindergarten through grade six and consists of model lessons that are designed to teach critical and creative thinking skills. The lessons are modeled in all classrooms by the Advanced Academic Resourse Teacher (AART) and the thinking strategies are then used throughout the year by classroom and other teachers who work with students. Student responses to these lessons are used as part of the identification process for Levels II-IV. Parents may also practice these strategies during family conversations and activities. 

Level II

Differentiated Lessons in Areas of Academic Strength, Grades K-6

Students identified by a local school screening committee are offered differentiated lessons (Level II) in areas of specific academic strength. The AART collaborates with classroom teachers to provide additional challenges through lessons and resources within the general education program. 

Level III

Part-Time Advanced Academic Programs, Grades 3-6

Students identified by a local school screening committee for Level III part-time advanced academic services are challenged through models and strategies designed to extend and enrich the POS in the four core subject areas. Students receive direct instruction from the Advanced Academic Resource Teacher in the local school.

Level IV

Full-Time Advanced Academic Programs, Grades 3-8

Students found eligible for placement in full-time Level IV Advanced Academic Programs through a central selection process receive a highly challenging instructional program in the four core subject areas.

For West Springfield students, the Level IV program is offered at Keene Mill ES center.

The screening for this level of service occurs in the fall for students who are new to FCPS and in the spring for all other students.